2025 Thumbs Remover懶人包,推薦清單整理


Download Portable Thumbs Remover

Download Portable Thumbs Remover - The application allows you to scan your computer and it displays all the DB files with their path location, ...

Download Thumbs Remover

Thumbs Remover is a software application whose purpose is to aid people in getting rid of the unnecessary DB files from their hard drive, with just a few ...

Thumbs Remover

Thumbs Remover is a user-friendly software designed to clean up thumbs.db preview files stored on your PC. Thumbs Remover will search for thumbs.db files in ...

Thumbs Remover Free Download

Thumbs Remover - Thumbs Remover is a user-friendly software designed to clean up thumbs.db preview files stored on your PC.

Thumbs Remover 免安裝版

2013年6月26日 — 老實說不用也沒有關係!Thumbs Remover 為專門移除Thumb.db 的工具,可以幫你快速清理縮圖暫存檔案,多多少少可以節省一點空間。

Thumbs Remover 檔案下載

Thumbs Remover 是一款thumbs.db 檔移除工具,支援Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (32 & 64 位元)。當您使用電腦建立檔案和資料夾時,就有可能在磁碟產生縮圖,這些可以 ...


Thumbs Remover is a user-friendly software designed to clean up Thumbs.db preview files stored on your PC. What are Thumbs.db files?

《Thumbs Remover 1.5》徹底刪除Thumb.db快取縮圖檔

2013年6月26日 — 下載完畢,解壓縮雙響thumbsrem15.exe,接著點Select folder or unit鈕,選擇要刪除Thumb.db的磁碟。

下载Thumbs Remover Windows 版

2023年8月30日 — 总的来说,Thumbs Remover是一个方便的工具,可保持您的计算机清洁有序。通过删除不必要的thumbs.db文件,您可以释放宝贵的磁盘空间并提高系统性能。无论 ...